Teachers and students in Christ the King GNS are celebrating Erasmus+ Schools Week 2019, which is taking place from Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October. Erasmus+ Schools Week is coordinated by Léargas, the national agency for Erasmus+ in adult education, school education, vocational education and training, and youth. Erasmus+ Schools Week 2019 is a celebration of the projects organised throughout the year by schools around the country as part of Erasmus+ and provides an opportunity for the schools to share their experiences with the wider community.
Watch our enthusiastic pupils as they find out why the Berlin Wall was taken down; (5th Class)
Marvel with them as they admire the architecture and artists of Barcelona and Florence (2nd and 6th)
Engage with them in Visual Thinking Strategies as they appreciate some major European artworks; (All Classes)
Take your first steps in learning some key phrases in Italian, German and compare Spanish with Catalan phrases. (All Classes)
Help them locate the Czech Republic in the broader geography of Europe and appreciate the beauty of the Czech National Ballet as they perform John Cranko’s Swan Lake. Join them on a tour of the largest, still functioning, castle in the world, Prague Castle. (3rd and 4th Classes)
Since April 2019, the staff of Christ the King GNS have been enthusiastic participants in the Erasmus+ project, managed by Léargas. They have attended courses in the beautiful locations of Florence, Barcelona, Berlin, Prague, and Athens, upskilling in Innovative Teaching Methods, STEM skills, Conflict Resolution and Mindfulness. Whilst attending these courses, the staff have built up collegiate relationships with their fellow participants which has had a great impact on developing the sense of European identity among our pupils. They have shared the knowledge and skills gained with other members of staff and in implementing these, the children have benefitted greatly. We hope to continue to engage with Erasmus+ in the future and are in the process of applying for a new round of funding with a focus on Sustainability and Restorative Practice.
Our Plan for Erasmus+ Week 6th Class: Focus on Barcelona. Language, Cataluna, Architecture, Artists 5th Class: Focus on Berlin. 30 years without the Wall, Simple phrases in German, Major landmarks. 4th class: Prague. Location, neighbouring countries, major landmarks, Czech National Ballet 3rd Class: Focus on Athens. Ancient Greece, Architecture 2nd Class: Focus on Florence. Architecture, food, language, culture.